Fondly Remembering Bapaji….

“Amongst the cluster that dots the sky, there is one that glitters the most.
It is the soul of a man, who, during his time on earth, shine the brightest, through his intelligence, charm and benevolence.”

Late Mr. Kirtilal Mehta

"Dear Friends,
What I am going to tell you in this letter is about one of my fondest dreams. Happily, it is about to be realized, but will not be complete without your assistance.

My late wife, Lilavati, and I always wanted to build a multi-speciality charitable hospital in Bombay, India. The desire to build such a hospital grew out of our concern for the poor and lower middle class people of the city. We had witnessed too many lives being wasted, too many unnecessary and untimely deaths due to the absence of an affordable health care system.. Fortunately, today, the Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta Medical Trust, has been successful in having our dream realized to a great extent.

The Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta Hospital & Medical Research Centre will stand as a proud symbol of an equitable health care facility representing the highest standards in medical ethics.

As Founder of the Trust, I offer an assurance to all those who support us in our aspirations that we will engage ourselves wholeheartedly in dispensing patient care which will be prudent and compassionate without any consideration of caste or creed. When the Diamond World asked the elder diamantaire whether he could disclose the secret of his enviable success, he smiled and replied, "It is an open one. In a single, simple word, it is honesty!". Going into details, he disclosed that speaking the truth had been a lifelong principal with him and he was happy he could abide by it. When diamond world questioned him about his life's ambitions, he replied contentedly that fortunately all he desired had been granted to him and no ambition remained unfulfilled. "What next?" I asked. Prompt come the reply, "The purpose of my remaining life is service to mankind without any consideration of caste or creed."

I wish to thank all those who are connected with the Trust and are dedicated to fulfilling our main objective of building this hospital.

Late Mrs. Lilavati Kirtilal Mehta

Born in 1914. It is the vision of this woman that led to the inception of one of India's most modern hospitals. All her life, she was loved and respected for her warmth and generosity.

She strongly believed in equality and that every child has a right to proper education and equal opportunities in life. She made conscientious efforts towards the betterment of the less fortunate. With her sudden demise in 1964, she left a void in the lives of the people who knew her. The Lilavati Hospital reminds us the greatness of our beloved Bai!