Lilavati Hospital, Gujarat and Ganpat University organised a free medical check-up camp on 17th December 2022 at Prarthana Bhavan, The Union High school, in the Langhnaj village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It was an extensive exercise that provided free treatment and assistance to over 1200+ patients in need.
The medical check-up camp aimed at providing primary medical check-up, along with necessary medication to the people of Langhnaj as well as people belonging to surrounding villages such as Balvantpura, Ranchhodpura, Chaluva, Vadasma etc.
The camp was conducted by the experienced doctors from Lilavati Hospital, Gujarat in collaboration with Ganpat University.
From Lilavati Hospital Gujarat we appreciate and express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ganpatbhai Patel (Dada)
It is a blend of charity along with service to humanity.
Free Medical Check-up Camp in Langhnaj Village, Gujarat on 17th December 2022